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Author: Chelsea

bathroom door ideas

Bathroom Door Ideas for a Modern Look

When it comes to home design, people often overlook the role a bathroom door plays. However, these practical and essential elements can significantly influence the overall aesthetic of your space. Dive in, as we explore bathroom door ideas that can transform your space from ordinary

waterfall kitchen island

The Alluring Waterfall Kitchen Island: A Comprehensive Guide

For anyone designing a kitchen to impress, a waterfall kitchen island is an excellent investment piece. Taking front and center, a waterfall kitchen island is the perfect functional piece that doubles up as decorative art. By combining the right look and materials, a waterfall kitchen

l shaped kitchen with island

Designing an L Shaped Kitchen with Island

L shaped kitchen with island designs is popular among homeowners for good reasons. Despite some drawbacks, like wasted corner space, the advantages are worth it. The ideal size for an L shaped kitchen varies, but usually, at least 10×10 feet is recommended. The best layout